I’m fundraising for Cancer Council Victoria to help stop cancer.
Hi everyone! Last summer, my brother Matthew found out he had a cancerous tumour growing on his liver. It grew to 4kg before he had to undergo intensive and dangerous surgery to remove it. Unfortunately, the cancer came back, and he has since had to undergo intense chemotherapy as well. We still don't know the cause, nor the type of cancer.
My Achievements

Profile picture

Updated story

Page shared

Raised $250

Raised $500

Raised $1000

Self donation

Reached fundraising goal

Increased fundraising goal
Thank you to my Supporters

Vince Del Tito


Joseph Riesz & Family
I have worked with your dad from his first day at Telstra MobileNet and have many fond memories of sharing the joys of raising our families through all these years. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Mark Megalla
Hi Mia wishing Matt and family the very best I am saddened by the news and praying that a cure is in sight. Cancer sucks big time

Edna’s Customers :)

Naseer Sahi
Hi Mia, Great work in raising funds. Would like to wish speedy recovery for Matthew. Best regards Naseer - Telstra

Nadine Arzuman
Hi Mia, All the best for your brother. I'm keeping you and your family in my prayers and your new hair looks awesome :) Congrats on reaching your goal!


Proud of you Mia !


Alex Scukovic
Hi Mia, I work with you dad. It’s such an incredible thing your doing for your brother.

Alisha Mcwilliam
Hey Mia I’m a work mate if your dads and I just wanted to say how inspirational you are and how dedicated you are to your family - just like your dad! Tim and family thinking of you during this terrifying time x your work village is here for you

Baker Family
Mia, a really impressive performance in this effort to support your brother! Look after yourself, Tim, Matt and your mum and be very proud of yourself, keep everyone positive, our thoughts and prayers are with you for the best possible outcome.

Congratulations, Mia. Well done on being an active measures to support cancer research and those impacted. You're a good sister.

Rocky Centofanti
Hi Mia, Its great to hear how much you care about your brother and all your efforts to raise funds and awareness. I wish Matthew all the very best.

Walter Nasreddine
We are thinking of you guys and hoping for a good result.


Mark Campbell
Great initiative Mia, My thoughts are with the Connors family

Nicole Moyle

Andy Lee

Judith Meadows
What a wonderful effort, darling girl.

Narayan Matthews


Sally Watts

Joseph Cercone
It takes a really special person to go out of their way to create change to help others. This is really great stuff, Mia!

Charlotte Emily Spiteri
You are phenomenal! Sending all of my love! P.S. can't wait to see you rock the shaved head look xo

Bethany Lyon
Doing absolutely incredible things Mia ❤️ good luck and congratulations x

Cheryl Hicks
Thanks for doing this Mia, was hoping I could donate $ somehow. Shaving your hair is fantastic.

Well done Mia, so proud of you, Cathie x

Adam & Casey
Stay strong Matthew! ❤️

Mee Family
Big love from the Mees ❤️

Simpson Family
You’re so strong Mia, you and your family are always in our prayers and we are only a phone call away if you or the family ever needs anything

Edna's Customers :)

James Walby

Kelly Stanton
Hi Mia, You’re doing an amazing and beautiful thing Mia ...just like you really! Sending love and strength to the Connors family esp Matthew from the Stockton familyxx

Grant Enders
Well done Mia - fantastic support for Matt and your entire family. Thoughts and prayers.


You legend!! Lots of support for you and your brother!!!

Nick Klein

Bernadette Batten
All the very best to you Mia, to Matthew and Maria and Tim as you deal with this. big love from the Batten Family xx

Jinglin Wen

Martinez Family

David Leviston
What an amazing sister you are to Matthew! Devastating news to learn that Matthew is so ill. Thank you for what you are doing.

Sam Proud

Ally Varvarigos
So ridiculously proud of you Mia ❤️

Michael Mcmaster

Michael Beech

Brett & Marie Smith
G'day Mia; We knew Matthew was sick and were afraid it was something like this. We only know him on-line, but he has an open invitation to come visit whenever he can. He's always been such a nice bloke and helps so many people, including us, with his knowledge & experience. You, Matthew & all your family are in our hearts and desperately hope he recovers. All our love Brett & Marie Ellura Sanctuary

Paul Challis

Alex Tauman
Wishing you a speedy recovery Matt! Missing you up here in fnq

Mamiko Seki
Stay strong Matthew!

Greg Calvert
I'm really sorry to hear that Matt is sick. Cancer is a terrible scourge and hope that my donation can go some very small way towards the battle. I love what you're doing and wish you all the best with it

James Comito

Lauren Lamb
Sending all my love and thoughts.

Halvard Aas Midtun
Beat the shit outa this fucking cancer Matt so you can come catch bugs with me again

Erin, Ellie And Georgia
Get better Matt! Much love from the rotary gang

Tyler Mcrae

Emma Broughton

Matthew Chappell

Julia Yoannidis

Valerie Cornet
Sending all my love and wishes Matt ❤

Patrick G

Mackenzie Severns
A brave & thoughtful way to support your brother, Mia! Matt, I’m thinking of you & wishing you all the best at this tough time.

Florence Dawn Sefton

Rachel Neil
<3 Was devastated to hear about Matt’s cancer, sending hope for a speedy recovery

Sharon De Loryn

Georgia Robinson

Tom O'grady
<3 Matt

Freya Halse
So sad to hear Matt is unwell!! Praying for him ?

Cancer sucks. Love and prayers your way ?

Ziheng Tang
Stay strong Matt, hope to see u soon

Jake Derby
Mia this is awesome! Matt, I miss you heaps and can’t wait to go find some bugs when I get back to Australia ❤️

Shane Oates

Olivia L

Sean Younf

Chris Mitchell
Awesome Mia! We're all here for you Matt!


Well done keep it up, get well soon Matthew.

Alessandro Froldi

Will Collins
Amazing stuff Mia! Wishing you all the best Mat, good luck with everything. :)

Kevin Bairos-novak
Wishing you all the very best in your recovery Matt!! We miss you buddy! Good on you and good luck Mia!

Zuyi Sun
stay strong Matthew!! xxx

Stay strong Matt, I'll be seeing ya soon!

Conor Morrissey
Best wishes to all! Matt is in our hearts ❤️❤️

Dear Mia, thinking of you and Matthew every day. Take care, stay positive, and live each moment with love. xxx Dee Petersen


Ellen Stockton
So incredibly proud of you Mia!!! You and the fam are some of the best people out there and I already know you're gonna rock the look! Sending so much love to you all xxxx

Ranald & Family


Francoise Borg And Family

Leanne Kelly
Thinking of you all Mia and what a wonderful thing you are doing to support your courageous brother. I also work with your dad and he is a genuine legend. I really hope you smash your fundraising goal!


Maansi Shah

Monique Marcina
This is such a beautiful thing to do Mia. You are a legend and i am so proud of you

Anne Connors
You're a beautiful girl Mia.

Chris Mantis

Emily Howell
Sending all my love to you and the fam. You're an absolute legend xx

Claire S
You amaze me xx

Giovanni Loseto
Mia. You are such a good daughter and sister. I am sure Tim, Matt and you mum are very very proud of you.

Amit Mehta
Dear Matthew, Thoughts are with you at the moment. I wish you speedy recovery and hope you recover very very fast. Amit Mehta

Aroon Naidoo
Wishing all strength to Matt and the Connors family.

Andrew Steiszkal
This is such a amazing thing that you're doing Mia and wishing Matthew a quick recovery.

Ben Kingston
Wishing Matthew all the best and a speedy recovery.

John Petridis
Hi Mia, I work with your dad, great initiative and good luck!

Nadine Russell
Wishing Matthew lots of strength for his treatment.

Ian Buczak
Hi Mia. Another workmate - give your Dad a hug for us. Great thing you're doing here :)

George Alexopoulos
Hi Mia We are sending Matthew all our love and best wishes. Kind regards the Alexopoulos Family

Emel Aziz
Well done Mia - an amazing thing you are doing to support your brother and all of those effected by cancer. Wishing Matthew a speedy recovery also.

Ray Tuim
Hi Mia, I have known your dad for some time through work and the family connection goes back even longer to Windsurfing days with my Brothers in law. I want say that all my prayers and best wishes go out to Mathew and all your family.

Sash T Torbovski
Very nice of you and i wish Matthew all the best.

Andrew Asimakidis
fantastic idea and support Mia, good luck and hope you smash your goal!

Lou Vocale
Best wishes to the Connor family

Ezio Mormile
HI Mia, good luck with the fundraising and good luck to Matthew. I have no idea what you and your family are going through but I do know this, your father Tim is an extraordinary human being and all of us at Telstra are very fortunate to have him in 'our family'. He is a true inspiration and has been for years. Give your brother and your dad a big kiss and hug from 'our family', and call out if we can help in anyway.

I am so sorry to hear and hope you all stay positive and strong, my prayers are with you and your family. hope you have a smile with the Telstra brethren looks after each other

Vincent Hardy
Hi Mia, Like a few of the other donors, I'm lucky to work with your Dad and had the good fortune to meet Matthew between lockdowns. All the best as you work through this challenging time.

Dale Kendall
Hi Mia, I have worked with your Dad on & off for the past 20 years & whilst you already know he's a wonderful human being, it's nice to hear it from others. Cogratulations to you for having the courage to shave you head in support of your brother & please apss on my support to Matthew, if he's got the spirit his Father has he'll be back to good health soon.

Simon P

Gajanan Skandakumar
Here to a speedy recovery

Cate Furniss
I work with your dad Mia, sending you, your family and especially Matthew lots of support during this challenging year. What a fantastic cause.

Hi Mia, I hope and pray that Matthew's health improves.


Nick Callil And Family
Go Mia - we are with you , love to your whole family

The Young’s Xx
We are all so proud of you & can’t wait to see you all!! ♥️♥️ Love you!

Erin Liebenow

Claudia, Julia & The Scollo Family

Claire Borg

Kyra Krukowitch
You are amazing ❤️

Ila Taylor
So proud of you Mia! Ur are amazing! Xxx miss you xx

Jessica Santoso
So proud of you Mia!!

Lance Pattison

India Patterson

Alexandra Patterson
❤️ you Mia x

Nicolette Zagoudis


Chen Chen
Soo proud of you Mia!!

Emma Walker

Sophie Westmore
Best wishes to your brother, yourself and your family Mia. Good on you for doing this, so admirable! XX

Majella Nugent
Love to you and your family. ? Majella, Gary, Ali & Meg

Yooni Kim

Peter Grotjan And Family
Good on you Mia - such love and support for Matthew !

Ali Nugent
amazing mia! best wishes to the family x

Timms Fam


Matthew Suleiman
So proud of you Mia! I hope that you and your family are doing okay!

Lucia D'onofrio
Good on you champ xx

Sending so much love to you and your family x

Maddy Barr

Imi Connors

Shamaya Liyanage
Incredibly proud of you Mia! ?

Aimee Faul
So proud xxx

Gabrielle Gray


Jess Dempsey

Ema B


Jonathan Alexs

Grace Ambrosini

Lucinda Patterson
Mia you are so amazing! I love you xx

Annabel, Lizzie And Andy Howitt
Amazing Mia! Lots of love xx


Nadine Conacher

Emma Daujat
Hope your family is doing ok getting through all this ❤️❤️

Samantha Ginsberg
You’re amazing! N I wish the best for ur brother!! ❤️

So proud of you Miz!! You and your fam are so strong ❤❤


Grace Holland

Julia Klose
Mia, you’re such a great friend and strong person and I know your family will have the strength to get through this difficult situation - if you ever wanna talk or want to have another barbie movie marathon I’m always here for you xx

Awooga, love you

Lorena B

Jess M
You’re amazing Mia! Sending lots of love xx

Luv u mia stay strong ❤❤

Kim Taylor

Elise Rodrigo
Sending so much love your way ❤️

Kirsty, Paul, Charlie, Imi And Archie Connors
Good on you Mia - a great way to show support

Diya Menon
Such an incredibly courageous gesture. Sending my best wishes and prayers to your brother and family.

Annabelle Tran
love you mia ❤


great work Mia