Fundraise your way to stop cancer

Shave your hair


Chop your mullet
Participants have
Donations made
to help stop
Dollars raised
so far
Here's what you'll get

Free Fundraising Kit
You’ll receive a kit with posters, donation box, thank you cards and handbook to help you get started.

Fundraising page
This is your fundraising hub. Put up pictures, share your story and ask for support – and keep track of all your donations as they come in!

Personal support
We’re here to help. For guidance, support, advice or ideas, just get in touch whenever you need us.
Don’t forget to check out the resources page for everything you need.
When you raise money for Cancer Council Victoria, you’ll be doing awesome things for all Victorians facing cancer. Your big-hearted fundraising will directly support the research, prevention and support that’s needed to stop cancer in its tracks, empower patients and save lives

I wanted to stop cancer, so I decided to sell my footy cards. I hope my fundaising will save someone and that cancer is going to be extinct by 2035.
-Kyen, 10-year-old fundraiser