I’m fundraising for Cancer Council Victoria to help stop cancer.
(Please read until the end...)
"You have cancer!" Three words that will change a life forever.
In that moment, the world keeps spinning, but you're frozen still, in a moment of pure terror. This type of stuff doesn't happen to me, is your first thought. It's not real is your second thought. Is this really happening is your third thought and then you get all dizzy as more irrational thoughts race through your head. Am i going to die? Do i have to have Chemo? Oh My God i'm going to loose my hair... Not my hair, please don't take my hair. And then it hits you. You start to get all teary as you realize that you have to tell your family. Oh god how am i going to tell my mum and dad, my partner, my siblings, nieces, nephews and the big bad one, my kids. How can i look them in the eye and shatter their world into a million pieces with those three simple words, " I have cancer".
Doctor's, specialists, oncologists and nurses all start throwing information at you and somehow, god only knows how, but somehow you seem to retain the information and they give you pamphlets and documents to read through whilst you absorb all the information at home and come to terms that you have cancer. You walk out of the doctor's feeling all blah with information and your first thought as you get in the car is... "crap is that the time? what do i cook for dinner?"
This is the reality of the diagnosis. Life goes on and cancer and all that comes with it is now your life.
For many they think it will never happen to them. But it does. Cancer doesn't discriminate. It's not gender specific nor is it age friendly.
Show Us Your Pink Bits wants to bring awareness to all, that it can happen to you. It's sometimes out of the blue but it also has a lot to do with genetics. It doesn't care that you've been good or bad in life. It's relentless and it's a bitch.
It steals all that it can from a person and their loved ones. It causes heartbreak and misery and it's financial ruin is beyond belief. So not only does a family struggle with the disease it also plays havoc on the financial side of things and some people never recover from that.
Get tested. No matter how uncomfortable it may seem.
Show us your pink bits....It may just save your life.....
We are in the process of organizing an over 18 event with a mixed bag of entertainment and fun things for a night out. Our group of organizers are cancer survivors and or family members and friends of cancer patients, living and passed on. We are looking for a licensed venue willing to donate their space and donations for a silent auction and things alike.
Any donation no matter the size is greatly appreciated and is received with the greatest appreciation and we are thankful beyond words.
My Achievements

Profile picture

Updated story

Page shared

Raised $250

Raised $500

Raised $1000

Self donation

Reached fundraising goal

Increased fundraising goal
Thank you to my Sponsors

Anton O'callaghan

Koo Koo

Best of luck with the event, and congrats on fundraising for such a worthy cause which unfortunately touches everyone at some stage.

James Cousins

James Cousins
My Aunty passed away from skin cancer 13 years ago I myself almost passed away too 2/3 years ago from the same thing cancer really does suck I’m really happy to be helping a friend out and to this very special cause close to my heart cancer and slip slop slap needs to be taken way more seriously.

Nice work.