Yarra Valley Chapter Pink Ribbon Ride

By Cassie Austin

I’m fundraising for Cancer Council Victoria to help stop cancer.

Every year more than 35,000 Victorians hear the words ‘you have cancer’.

Thanks in part to generous Victorians, 7 in 10 of them will survive five years after a cancer diagnosis, but there’s still so much work to be done.

Cancer Council needs our support more than ever this year. Every dollar raised gives hope for a cancer free future. By supporting my pink event, you’re funding life-saving cancer treatments, prevention programs, and support services that ensure no one has to face cancer alone.

As a chapter, let’s ride, have fun and get together for the Annual Pink Ribbon Ride for Breast Cancer Awareness.

Please join me for a lovely ride as we meander through the hills of the Yarra Valley and head back to a central lunch destination at Bosses Boots Cafe (1 East Ridge Drive, Chirnside Park) (bookings locked in for YVCHOG members - for any one else outside of the chapter wanting to join for lunch, please contact the venue to book a table). 

Dress yourself and cover your bike in everything PINK to impress. BEST PINK LADIES will be nominated by their fellow bikers and a winner drawn at the end of the lunch.

Leaving Harley Heaven Ringwood at 11.00am. 

Pink Ribbon Pins available for purchase on the day for $5. (cash). All money will be donated to Breast Cancer Awareness.

Destination : A journey through the Yarra Valley with meandering curves and sweeping roads guaranteed to tickle you PINK.

My Achievements

Profile picture

Updated story

Page shared

Raised $250

Raised $500

Raised $1000

Self donation

Reached fundraising goal

Increased fundraising goal 

Thank you to my Sponsors


Yarra Valley Chapter Harley Owner's Group

Donation from Yarra Valley Chapter Harley Owner's Group. Great that we can support such a worthwhile cause!!


Craig Napoli




Yarra Valley Cahpter - Harley Owners Group



Wishing everyone believe in themselves and receive every help you require


Liz Baker

Such a close charity to my heart. Thanks Cassie for organising. Great to get the message out there especially in our group xx



Pink ladies showing the way ❤️


Rach & Paul Garwood

FU Cancer


Libby Storck

Great work Cassie 👏


Christian Austin

Great cause, hope you achieve your goal.


Robert Byrne

Great idea Cassie such initiative


Cassie Austin

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