Thank you for your generous support!
Our campaign is over! With heartfelt thanks to everyone who so generously supported us, we exceeded our initial goal of $1,500 to raise $1,691!Cancer is so common today that most of us have been affected by it in some way.
This reality hit home for us in 2021 when my father was diagnosed with Stage 4 nasopharyngeal cancer and passed away soon after, and a dear friend was diagnosed with Stage 1 breast cancer.
As a family we would like to do our bit to raise awareness and funding to fight cancer.
Thank you to our Sponsors


Anthony Jorm

John Toumbourou
Well done Marie and family. A constructive way to respond to your loss.

Great work Marie and family, a lovely way to honour your father. All the best with the fundraising and chop/shaves!

Alvin Siaw

What a meaningful way to honour your dad, Marie! I lost my dear aunt to cancer a few years ago, and couldn't help but think that things could have been different if the cancer was diagnosed earlier. So, definitely supporting your campaign! Go The Siaws!


Justin Robinson
It is my pleasure to contribute to this worthy cause. My thoughts are with you and your family and friends. Best wishes with the shaves!!!!

Cate Mead
Good job!



Good on you, Marie and family, for raising this money for such a worthy cause!

Shantha Wilson Rajaratnam
What a wonderful way to honour your dad

Liz Westrupp
Hi Marie and family, what an important initiatve! And who could resist with such a gorgeous family photo. All the best with your campaign (and new haircuts)!


Michal Graham
So sorry for your loss, Alvin. What a wonderful way to pay tribute to your father in law.

Yl Hoo
So sorry to hear of your loss. This is such beautiful way to honour Marie's father.

Grace Broomfield

Maria Chan
Sorry for your loss, it is a great thing that you can find something positive from this by raising awareness to fight cancer.

Laura Jobson

Sorry for your loss, Marie, and so inspiring to see your beautiful family take on this project together to raise awareness.

Audrey Stavrakis

Grace Xie
The same tragedy had happened to my friend's family many years ago so I can feel you very well. No mention my mother in law is also a breast cancer survivor! All my best wishes!

Stephen Carbone

Catherine Wade
So sorry to hear about your father Marie. Take care.

Sorry for your loss and thank you for raising awareness.